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sâmbătă, octombrie 21, 2006

Usefull on the net!!!

I've been surfing the web for a couple of months just gathering interesting things and useful ones on the net. Here are a couple of websites you will probably use or are already using. So here are your new tools on the web:

1. MEEBO - the first page for today. Meebo in my opinion was especially designed for job chatting. Its sole pourpose is to allow people at work to chat...without messenger or the approval of the boss.
2. DEMOPLAZA - I did not find this page. I recieved it from a friend, Craciun Andrei. Thx Andrei. I think the name says it all. Here you can find demo's and tutorials for anything from basic html to flash. Hope it helps
3. FreeSound - In line with demoplaza, here is a page that offers sounds for use in different applications.
4. TORPARK - I'll just give you the official description for this one: Download Torpark and put it on a USB Flash keychain. Plug it into any internet terminal whether at home, school, or public. Run Torpark.exe and it will launch a Tor circuit connection, which creates an encrypted tunnel from your computer indirectly to a Tor exit computer, allowing you to surf the internet anonymously. How much does Torpark cost? IT'S FREE.
5. DOR_DE_DUCA - Nice page. Main purpose? It tells you where to go...anywhere but home!

6. ZWOK - It's da gaaame. Have nothing to do? A fan of the worms game? Need something to play with? just log on to this game and knock yourself out :).

7. The Yahoo is closing and countermeasures. Just as help in countering people who are naive enough to click, send...generally spam.

8. KARTOO - Bringing search to a new level. Cute app.

These last links are just for fun or out of curiosity, but they deserve a click:

+ VW car factory....daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!
+ - a good and well known friend's webpage
+ Million dollar home page - Getting rich...pixel by pixel
+ Neat effects - a page that shows really nice creations in flash
+ End of the world - You've got to see this

Hope you like the links. I'm eager to recieve your comments and opinions on the links.

Un comentariu:

OzTm spunea...

Great links, dude... Got more?

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