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sâmbătă, decembrie 16, 2006

The net is growing...and so am I... :)

Hey everyone,

I decided to start a network of blogs on different themes and subjects. You will be able to find them on the right. It will take a while before I start them all up. Hope you will like them. See ya,

marți, decembrie 12, 2006

A new car at the horrizon

Hello everyone,

Long time no write. Well, I'm back and I come with a few cool posts. Here is the First. Audi has come up with a new car: Audi R8. The design and ideas that make the car are really great. Here is a picture of the brand new car. You can also find out more on the car's personal webpage.

marți, octombrie 24, 2006

Audi R0

I caught this car a while ago and saw it again on the official site. It would be nice to have a car like this. The difference with electric engines is that they go from 0 to 100 aaa loooooooooot faster.
This is the official site: Audi r0

duminică, octombrie 22, 2006

Really COOL

Had a few hours to surf the net and I found some new things and projects brewing around. Check them out:

1. A new kind of search - Animated!!! Check out Ms.Dewey
2. Nokia phone concepts - The nokia Aeon

Usefull gadgets I found on the net :)

Here are some gadgets I found on the net. Tell me what you think:

1. Gorilla Pod - It is a tripod for cameras, but not just any tripod. This one lets you hang your camera on literally anything.
2. LockLight - A usefull flashlight for keys and opening doors.
3. Twister USB - A 4 set usb...that twists
4. USB Flexible Keyboard - A vey mobile keyboard that you can wrap up and take anywhere.

sâmbătă, octombrie 21, 2006

Usefull on the net!!!

I've been surfing the web for a couple of months just gathering interesting things and useful ones on the net. Here are a couple of websites you will probably use or are already using. So here are your new tools on the web:

1. MEEBO - the first page for today. Meebo in my opinion was especially designed for job chatting. Its sole pourpose is to allow people at work to chat...without messenger or the approval of the boss.
2. DEMOPLAZA - I did not find this page. I recieved it from a friend, Craciun Andrei. Thx Andrei. I think the name says it all. Here you can find demo's and tutorials for anything from basic html to flash. Hope it helps
3. FreeSound - In line with demoplaza, here is a page that offers sounds for use in different applications.
4. TORPARK - I'll just give you the official description for this one: Download Torpark and put it on a USB Flash keychain. Plug it into any internet terminal whether at home, school, or public. Run Torpark.exe and it will launch a Tor circuit connection, which creates an encrypted tunnel from your computer indirectly to a Tor exit computer, allowing you to surf the internet anonymously. How much does Torpark cost? IT'S FREE.
5. DOR_DE_DUCA - Nice page. Main purpose? It tells you where to go...anywhere but home!

6. ZWOK - It's da gaaame. Have nothing to do? A fan of the worms game? Need something to play with? just log on to this game and knock yourself out :).

7. The Yahoo is closing and countermeasures. Just as help in countering people who are naive enough to click, send...generally spam.

8. KARTOO - Bringing search to a new level. Cute app.

These last links are just for fun or out of curiosity, but they deserve a click:

+ VW car factory....daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!
+ - a good and well known friend's webpage
+ Million dollar home page - Getting rich...pixel by pixel
+ Neat effects - a page that shows really nice creations in flash
+ End of the world - You've got to see this

Hope you like the links. I'm eager to recieve your comments and opinions on the links.

joi, octombrie 19, 2006

A deviant thing...

I was surfing on the well known deviant art website and found out that there is a map of all the deviants in Romania. You can find the map at this link: Romanian deviants map. Nice job deviants!

About beauty...for the boys

Let's talk a bit about beauty,

Boys and girls have a diformed idea about beauty. This is due to movies, media and all the promotions of women and men that are edited in photo editing software or customized and beautified with different applications. Just check this movie out. I got it from my best friend Simona Jalba. Thanx Si.

And of course....the evolution of what we call beauty

A time capsule...a big one...:)

So yahoo slightly took google's idea of customizing it's logo for different events. Just hit Yahoo has the new time capsule logo. Just click on it and enter a really neat application. You can see a huge 3D time capsule formed from articles written by...well...anyone. You can even share your memories. Sooooo....have fun with the capsule...I know I will.

miercuri, octombrie 11, 2006

Loving Mac....hating Mac...loving Pc...hating Pc

I was searching for different blogs and information and came up with a couple of nifty comercials about mac and and pc. They are really fun to watch:

2. Real Life Log - Lasse Oster Jorgensen
3. YouTube movie
4. 2nd youtube
5..... youtubeagain
7. ---//---- nr. 2
8. This is how you buy a G5

That's about it...if I missed a great movie, please tell me. I will add the link later.

(1)JOBS:About doing what we like

Here is the first part about jobs: doing what I like. A lot of people end up doing something they do not like. The first part in getting the job you want is finding out what you like to do. Of course, the question has a relatively general answer. Whether it is IT, Web Design, Mettalurgy, Crafts, Painting or any other department, you have to find out in what field you want to work in.
Once you have that figured out, start looking for jobs on online specialized websites. You should first start with local websites. That way you will be able to have an image of the salary and the opportunities you can find around.

Examples for Romania are: and of course Start by searching your area of work. Look at different jobs offered and see what the requirements are. That way, you know what to prepare and what to study. Also, look at the experience and degree required and see what salary they offer. Now you have an idea of what a job in your field offers and demands. But let's compare that to international level.

You cand also search for jobs on international job sites. You can start with , and . You will see that there are more possibilities and offers when you go international. However, the requirements and demands change too.

For starters, focus on the requirements part and what you have to study to be good in your field. We'll talk about the rest in a later blog.

marți, octombrie 10, 2006

About getting a job

Let's talk jobs and money. What do we want from a job? Let's see...

We have to like what we do...check

We want to have a good paycheck...check

We want to be able to grow within the team and company...check

So, how many people achieve all three?...not a lot. Actually, most people don't event get two out of three. So who's to blame? Well...can't do much about the employer or the company, but what you can do is take care of your part.

But what does that presume? Well,I will tell you about each of the three desires for a job (the ones listed above of course) and show you how the web can help you get the job you want. This is easy especially in software related jobs, but the information goes with any type of job. So in the next blog, I will tell you about the "I have to like what I am doing" part.

luni, octombrie 09, 2006

About this blog and what it wants to be...

To whom it may concern :),

   I started this blog mainly as a hobby. The purpose of this blog is to show the useful and interesting parts about the internet. I will talk and write about webpages that can really help and guide people or webpages that are interesting and inovating. So let's see what I cand find :). Hope you like the blog!

vineri, septembrie 08, 2006


And so I begin building my personal blog....I am still thinking what theme I want for this blog. What will I talk about. But I have plenty of time for that. Right now...enjoy an empty blog.

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